I think I forgot to mention a couple of excellent books that are a good source of data, IF you have connections with South Aust's Central Eyre Peninsula, both by two local women -
"GRAIN AMID GRANITE" (1986) - The story of the Le Hunte District
"ECHOES FROM THE PAST" (1979) - A story of Wudinna and the surrounding schools, 1919-1979
Both of these books are hard to find, but many SA Libraries carry a copy in their Local History sections.
Another one I forgot is a small self-published family history memoir (short run, done on a Roneo and stapled) by local man LEO H DANIEL, titled "LIFE AS I SEE IT" (1977). It's mainly his family and their time around Kyancutta, but has a lot of other bits in it as well. Worth a look, IF you can find a copy!