Found on a website
concerning Govt letters on Aboriginal matters, during John Hinton Edmonds’ time
at Minburra Stn
Protector of Aborigines
[Edward Lee Hamilton]
Out Letter-Book
5. July 28, 1879 to Dec. 31, 1884.
12th March 1880
Mr P. McAvaney
In reply to your letter of the 5th inst., applying for Rations
& clothing for destitute Natives at Minburra Station, I have the honor by
direction of the Honorable Commissioner of Crown Lands &c to inform you
that the Police Trooper in charge of the Aborigines depot at Waukaringa will be
instructed to forward, on your application to him, the following supplies to
800 lbs Flour
100 lbs Sugar
20 lbs Tea
50 lbs Rice
10 lbs Sago
I will have some
Blankets & blue shirts, as per advice herewith, forwarded to you from
15th March 1880
P.T. Catchlove
I have the honor to inform you that, the Manager of the
Minburra Station (Mr McAvaney) has reported to this office that a number of
Aborigines in a destitute condition are frequently keeping this locality,- as I
perceive from the last return for the depot at Waukaringa, that you have on
hand a large portion of the stores forwarded to you in 1877, I have to request
that you will be good enough to forward to Mr McAvaney, on his application, the
following supplies, viz.-
800 lbs Flour
100 lbs Sugar
20 lbs Tea
50 lbs Rice
10 lbs Sago
The costs of cartage herein should be duly certified by you
& forwarded to this office.
22nd April 1880
Mr P. McAvaney
In reply to your letter of the 16th inst., reporting the
nonarrival of a parcel of Blankets &c at Orroroo, which were forwarded from
Adelaide to you in March last, I have the honor to inform you that, the stores
in question were sent on the 15th March last by Rail to Hallett and to go
thence by mail coach or Wagon. I have written to the Stationmaster at Hallett
for explanation herein – but am not yet in receipt of his reply, & I would
suggest that you write to the agent of the Coach proprietors at Orroroo, asking
about the goods.
With regard to the flour
received by you from Waukaringa, & which is said to be “weevily” you will
probably find that exposing it to the air will improve it, as it had been for
some considerable time on hand at the Police Station.
I enclose you a copy of the instructions for issuing rations to
the natives.
22nd April 1880
P.T. Catchlove
Referring to your letter of the 13th inst., reporting that the
Aborigines Flour on hand at the depot at Waukaringa is in a damaged condition
from the attacks of “mice of weevils”, that you have sent four of the soundest
bags to Mr McAvaney at Minburra, and suggesting that the remainder be put into
fresh bags, I have the honor to inform you that the course you recommend should
be adopted, and it will be desirable to let Mr McAvaney have the rest of this
Flour, as soon as the supply in his hands has been exhausted.
7th October 1880
Mr P. McAvaney
In reply to your letter of the 1st inst., pointing out the
desirability of sending up a year’s supply of rations for the Aborigines at
Minburra, I have the honor to inform you that, some additional stores will be
forwarded to you, as per enclosed advice.
I beg to direct your
attention to the accompanying copy of instructions for your guidance in issuing
the rations, and I have to request that you will be good enough to have the
usual monthly returns transmitted regularly to this office, a supply of forms
for which are forwarded to you in separate parcel by this post.
15th December 1880
Mr D.J.? Goyder?
Attention is drawn to the November Return from Minburra depot
which does not show correctly the quantity of stores forwarded from Adelaide in
July or October last, amounting in all to –
Flour 2000 lbs
Sugar 224 lbs
Tea 48 lbs
Rice ?20 lbs
Tobacco 10 lbs
Those figures representing the total receipts should appear on
the return as the “total stores” and the line “total issues” beneath should
show the whole quantities issued from the above Stock – up to 30th November
last (during the previous months, when no returns were kept & rendered to
this office) the Stores still remaining on hand will thus ?? a current balance
to carry forward to the Return for December.
30th May 1881
Mr D.J. Goyder
In reply to your letter of the 21st inst., stating, that you
received word from Port Pirie, to the effect that the “Experiment” in which the
Aborigines Stores were forwarded to you, is a total wreck.
I have the honour to inform
you that, Mr G.W. Smith, Government Shipping Agent, Port Adelaide, reports that
the goods for Minburra were shipped per “??Emu? ?Cror?”? on the 7th and 17th
inst., to Port Pirie, and I have the shipping ??? to that effect, he also adds
there were no Aborigines Stores on board the “Experiment” when she foundered.
Your Pt Pirie correspondent appears therefore to have made some
error, and I trust the Stores in question will duly reach you without further
Mr S.J. Nicholls
The Secretary of the Adelaide Hospital informs me that he has
advised you that Aboriginal “Bandji” will be discharged as soon as arrangements
can be made for his return home again, & that Bandji wishes his lubra &
daughter to come for him – I enclose order for their Rail tickets from Orroroo
to Adelaide. Please advise me when they leave for Town and I will have them met
on arrival here – they will probably leave again the next morning with Bandji
on the first train to Orroroo.
18th July 1884
Mr S.J. Nicholls
Referring to the remark in your June Return from Minburra
Depot, respecting Aboriginal “Bendigo” who was recently discharged from the
Hospital, and who does not appear to be getting any better, - I shall be glad
to learn from you what can be further done for him, whether it would be
desirable to remove him & his family to the Mission Station at Point Pierce
on Yorke’s Peninsula, or if he prefers to remain at Minburra, what articles
will be required for them, in addition to the ordinary issues from the depot.