In addition to the basic "Chronologies", we have heaps of related data that has been collected from a variety of sources over the last 5 decades, some sent to us by distant relatives in the days before websites, some from early websites now gone, and some from sources whose origins have been lost in the mists of time! We regret now that we didn't keep better records of the sources but back in the 1960s and 1970s genealogy was a bit of a dog's breakfast and computer-driven word processors and sortable databases just a dream, so you tended to grab what you could, scribbled it all down, and moved on. Then we had to rewrite it many times to get it into some kind of order. It was a load of fun!
Having said that, with the Coming of Hewlett Packard we verified data as we assembled it onto the "Chronologies", but these other bits are from all over, and most have not been personally verified. But better to load them up here now, than have them finish up in landfill when we're gone!