Wednesday, June 12, 2024


         If you're anything like me and can't touch type, you hate having to transcribe notes with two fingers and the Spellchecker. You've played around with OCR software for sheets of stuff already typed out but you want it onto your own text file for whatever reason. Well, that's been me anyway.

        For some years I've been aware that Voice-To-Text is possible, but could never make it work with my older version of MS Word. I recently upgraded to Office 2019 (contains Word, Excel, and a couple of other bits I never use) and the other day was determined to crack it. And okay, I know that there's plenty out there that use it all the time and don't know what the big deal is, but I've never been in that fortunate group.

        So I Googled and I Microsoft Help-ed and I did the whole Tech-Forums things and I swore a good deal but nothing worked. Then I finally asked Google the right question and up it came. Turns out that all I had to do was...

1 - Plug in a microphone (in the right socket!)

2 - Put up a blank MS Word page (of my new-ish MS Office 2019)

3 - While holding down the Windows key, hit 'H'

....and up popped a little box with a microphone icon in the middle, which I left-clicked on, and got the message "I'm listening...", so I spoke four words, and stuff me, like magic they appeared on the page.

        Okay? - so if you're like I was till yesterday (ignorant) and you have a small microphone and MS Word 2019, and need to get a heap of scribbly notes onto your Family History files, give this a shot. I love it!

